Mon – Fri: 9AM – 6PM

Reliable & Economical
Shipping to Nigeria

Grandbelle international Wordwide provides ddor-to-ddor shipping to Nigeria with tracking, insurance & customs clearance. save up to 70% on your next shipment to Nigeria.
Air Freight
Ocean Freight
Customs Clearing

Welcome to Grandbelle int.

Grandbelle international inc. Was Incorporated in new york in 2001 as a freight forwarding company. the company has since that time grown to have a subsidiary in Nigeria (Grandbelle Ventures Limited); offices in Houston,Texas, England, Accra Ghana and Port-Harcourt Nigeria.The Company has Also diversified into other areas of the maritime and logistics business. Grnadbelle is recognized as a company with a proven ability to handle any cargo delivery in fast, safe and efficient manner. Grandbelle’s mantra has Always been that the “total satisfaction” of the company’s client in every transaction must be the driving force of Grandbelle business.
  • Trucking Services

    Delivery to client Project sites, Private Homes (Door to door services)

  • Freight Forwarding

    Reliable, Timely, Hassle Free shipping Air Freight(Group Cargo)

  • Ocean Freight

    Container Cargo, Roll on/Roll Off(RoRo), Autos, High and Heavy Equipments.

  • Warehousing

    Provision to temporary storage facilities in the US and Nigeria for client project equipment and materials.

An easy shipping process that is a breeze for anyone. shipping to Nigeria with Grandbelle International is very simple; follow the simple steps below.

  • Schedule your shipment on our website with sender and receipt information along with package and payment details

  • Download and Print prepaid shipping labels from any reguler printer

  • Drop off at our loaction or contact us to arrange a pickup

Play Video

Document to Nigeria

Only $35.00

Up to 0.5 lbs. Door Delivery. Schedule a pickup.

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Freight Forwarding

only $15.00/Kg.

Minimum 50lbs. Door Delivery Schedule a pickup.

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Ocean Freights

Only $2.00/LBS

Minimum 50 lbs. Door Delivery Schedule a pickup.

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Flate Rate

Include shipping & customs Schedule a pickup

Don’t just Take Our word for it

See Our Trusted Reviews

I have been using Grandbelle International since 2001 to ship my documents & Packges around the world. their prices are extermely good and i can track my packages and feel comfortable. I would...

Adeola Fajana

Grandbelle has been a reliable and consistent for me over the years. I have shipped a car and multiple items through them, and it's been a great experience for me.

Blessing Agwu

I have been using Grandbelle International since 2001 to ship my documents & Packges around the world. their prices are extermely good and i can track my packages and feel comfortable. I would...

Mr. Olive Yew

Real Estate Professional